Thursday, July 23, 2009

18th. | Comic Con!... Big Whoop?

Maybe it's because I don't go to the comic con. Maybe it's because I don't see it on tv. Maybe it's because I don't read a lot of main stream comics. And it could also be because I've never gone trick-or-treat-ing before... But when I hear people say, "Comic Con!" all's I say is, "Who cares?"

Don't get me wrong, I'm a comic lover. A huge comic lover. I enjoy comics very much, and am glad to see that even Google is starting to recognize it as a leader in entertainment. But still... I just don't get 'hyped' over this type of stuff. Now, I've been to a comic con before, and believe me -- it's awesome. And the one I was at, to be honest, sucked in comparison to the Cali. comic con. So I can only imagine how cool it must be! Yet, I still feel no real energy toward this. Some day, I hope to attend. Not as a fan either...

Well... Maybe I would watch it on tv -- however, I don't get G4. Whom is the only provider for this spectacle. Correct? No? Comment and tell me, if you know otherwise, please. So, just figured I blog about it.

Peace and love,


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