Friday, April 24, 2009

10th | Major Predictions

Well, my opinion may be slightly biased towards my more so favorite teams -- but here it is. Can't really predict who makes it to the Word Series, but...

American League
East: Toronto Blue Jays
Central: Detroit Tigers
West: Los Angeles Angels
Wild Card: Tampa Bay Rays

National League
East: Florida Marlins
Central: St. Louis Cardinals
West: Los Angeles Dodgers
Wild Card: New York Mets

Thursday, April 23, 2009

9th | Western...!

Wow... As I was watching the Tiger's game last night, we won by the way, I had this idea for a western, "Where The Sun Don't Shine". Somehow, the title popped in my mind as I was sketching in my notebook. I then wrote a small 'prelude' to the story. Enjoying writing it, I hope to continue in it... However, I don't know if it'll be anytime soon, mainly because I'm working on other stories/projects! But, because I mentioned it, let me go ahead and list my current projects.

1) I'm working on a webcomic with a guy I met on the Christian Comic Art Society, click here to visit the CCAS, named Cameron Hortenberry. Production has been slowly but surely, for me and him both. I'm writing it, he's penciling it. Hopefully I can post something about it soon... Stay tuned for that.

2) As I mentioned before on this blog, I'm writing a story that I've been very vague about. But here, I'll have mercy on you and tell you what it's about... Can you guess? Heroes, of course!! It's entitled, The Heroics, and takes place here in the 21st century. But sadly, that's all I can mention...

3) And last, but not least, my dentist webcomic I promised to my firstlove comixHub.

Anyhow, thanks for reading. Oh, and I'll post the 'prologue' for that western later this week. And still yet to come later this week, remember those MLB predictions I promised?! Peace and love, everyone, stop by soon for more!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

8th | Big Green?

IT'S FINALLY HERE!!! Earth day. What a bunch horse malarky. I think God was smart enough to create this world with the knowledge that we all would someday have technology. Thus giving us electricity, cars, propane, etc. Now, if these types of things can destroy the world, why would God have ever allow these things to even be created? Think about it. In Revelation, the final book of both life and the Bible, it ends with Jesus returning and creating a new world and new heaven for us to inhabit. (NOTE: Us, are those who accept Jesus as Lord.) Not because we stained the old one by not recycling, cutting trees, etc, but because we impurified it with sin. If you try and save energy today, as suggested by many who claim if we don't it'll hurt the earth, do it only because you're trying to save money. Not because mother earth needs it.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

7th | SUN.

Sundays a funday... Right? To recap my day: Wake up. Slept in. Hurry to shower. Wake brother(s). Read Bible. Eat Breakfast. Hurry along. Go to Church. Go to grocery store. Go to Self Serve Lumber. Come home. Eat more. Blogging. And now, you're officially caught up. My brother's gonna give me a haircut in a while, so for now -- I sit... And wait. Later I'll probably watch a 007 movie -- maybe. Tiger's game at 4. Oh, and those MLB predictions are still coming up soon, I'm just being lazy. Sorry.

In other news... I hate Twitter. Not really, but kinda. It's concept is silly. I don't understand why people, non-famous people, twit about their life. A cleb twitting about life, fine. Regular person, not so fine. Get my point? Sigh... I'm sure you don't, or it wouldn't be so popular.

Friday, April 17, 2009

6th | So...

Decided to blog a little. Just watched the Tigers game, we lost. Darn. Oh well, the hope of tomorrow still abides in the air.

Working on a story lately, but I probably won't post it. Why? What if you didn't like it? I mean, I just don't think I can handle that kind of rejection... (First and foremost, I'm just kidding -- but ten points to whoever can tell me what movie that was in!) No seriously though, I just don't really won't to share it on the World Wide Web. Sorry, nothing personal or anything. Maybe I'll post something else later this month... Maybe.

In other news, it had to happen to me sooner or later -- I got boxed in while driving...For the first time! Or at least the first time I can recall. I didn't really wanna drive the long way around to go to the grocery store, so I planned on taking the expressway. Just as I was getting ready to change lanes, some dude totally put the moves on me and blocked me in! So, I ended up having to drive the long way around. I wanted to swear. I didn't. Thank you Lord. To remind you though, I was not driving alone. I was accompanied by my sister and mother. Why? I only having my learners permit... Or, as I was instructed to call it in Drivers Ed., my license level 1.

And lastly, I shave every Saturday to look spiffy for Church on the following Sunday. (I really wanted to say something witty here, but I just can't think of anything.) And because I know it's a burning question of yours, I'll get straight to it. What brand do I use? (FYI: I don't even know why I'm posting this, other than for the sake of mentioning... And or because I like the brand so much.) Aqua Velva. Click here, to visit their official website.

Anyhow, that's all for now. The next time I feel like wasting my time typing, I guess you'll see me again. Buh-bye.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

5th | Bird's Always the Word

As most know, I live in Michigan and am a huge baseball fan. So obviously, and it should go without even having to be said, the Tiger's are my official team. A Tiger great passed away yesterday, at the age of 54, Mark "The Bird" Fidrych. Click here, for his official Wikipedia page. Never met him, hardly ever heard of him, but still my curiosity about him soared. So I searched him on the internet, and read all about him. Becoming a fan of his just a week or two before his death, this is obviously a stunning loss to both me and the rest of Detroit. May God bless his family, and friends.

Friday, April 10, 2009

4th | Momento's

Haven't posted lately. For future reference, that will happen a lot. To summarize these past few days, MLB. Good God I love baseball. Go Tigers. Later on this month I'll post some baseball predictions to review next year. I've also seen two movies lately, Walk the Line, and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

I've been trying to get out of an art funk that I've now been in for quite a while. SO, cross your fingers as I try some more. That's pretty much it, so later.

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