Friday, April 17, 2009

6th | So...

Decided to blog a little. Just watched the Tigers game, we lost. Darn. Oh well, the hope of tomorrow still abides in the air.

Working on a story lately, but I probably won't post it. Why? What if you didn't like it? I mean, I just don't think I can handle that kind of rejection... (First and foremost, I'm just kidding -- but ten points to whoever can tell me what movie that was in!) No seriously though, I just don't really won't to share it on the World Wide Web. Sorry, nothing personal or anything. Maybe I'll post something else later this month... Maybe.

In other news, it had to happen to me sooner or later -- I got boxed in while driving...For the first time! Or at least the first time I can recall. I didn't really wanna drive the long way around to go to the grocery store, so I planned on taking the expressway. Just as I was getting ready to change lanes, some dude totally put the moves on me and blocked me in! So, I ended up having to drive the long way around. I wanted to swear. I didn't. Thank you Lord. To remind you though, I was not driving alone. I was accompanied by my sister and mother. Why? I only having my learners permit... Or, as I was instructed to call it in Drivers Ed., my license level 1.

And lastly, I shave every Saturday to look spiffy for Church on the following Sunday. (I really wanted to say something witty here, but I just can't think of anything.) And because I know it's a burning question of yours, I'll get straight to it. What brand do I use? (FYI: I don't even know why I'm posting this, other than for the sake of mentioning... And or because I like the brand so much.) Aqua Velva. Click here, to visit their official website.

Anyhow, that's all for now. The next time I feel like wasting my time typing, I guess you'll see me again. Buh-bye.


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