Saturday, September 12, 2009

20th. | Comic's Turned Entertainment

Well, as most everyone has heard... The Walt Disney Company has recently purchased MARVEL Entertainment, Inc. Good, bad, or otherwise, it was a shocking transaction to say the least.

But here's something you maybe didn't hear... "DC Comics is now DC Entertainment Inc, the company said in a press release, and its new mission is "to fully realize the power and value of the DC Comics brand and characters across all media and platforms"." Click here, for the full article. And also, "Warner Premiere president Diane Nelson, who oversees management of the studio's Harry Potter franchise, will run DC Entertainment, reporting directly to Warner president Jeff Robinov. DC is owned by Time Warner Inc."

Crazy, huh? Could it be the fall of one and the rise of another? I don't think so. Mainly because, this is more of a move on Warner's part... An attempt to breach better featured films.

Long story short, I'd be happy to hear that DC turns things around. Finally. They became the laughing stock for the longest time about how pathetic their movie efforts were. But until their comics get better? Make mine MARVEL.

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